Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's That Time of Year...

Cold. Dark. Rainy. Dreary. This is a list of those words that often describe the weather for the next several months - at least in Seattle. To be honest, I actually like this time of year. It means curling up on the couch with a quilt, warm apple cider, fall colors, and holiday get-togethers. Unfortunately, it also goes along with increased electricity bills due to heating and the basic necessity of light. I know its common sense, but there are a few things that will make a huge difference in cutting your electricity bill and allow those extra dollars to go towards Halloween costumes, holiday festivities, and that Ski pass you mean to save for every year.

First things first - embrace the fall, turn off the heat. Well, maybe not all the way, but this is the time of year to lounge in PJs with the down comforter and a cup of cocoa. By adjusting your thermostats down just a few degrees, you can save yourself 10% or more on your heating bill this fall and winter. Most thermostats will also allow you to program in times for optimal temperatures. Take advantage of this, and enable yourself to have higher temperatures when you are home and active, lower temperatures when you are sleeping, and OFF when you are at work or running errands. Check out these 10 simple tips on how to save money, as well as getting used to keeping your house a few degrees cooler.

If you are like most of us, you will soon be going to and from work without ever seeing the light of the sun. This often leads to us using more lights & lamps to compensate for our bodies need to see the light of day. If you are in that 2% of people that are affected by Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD), then this is especially true. All I can say here is think green, and think strategic. If you aren't going to be in a room, try to keep the light off. If you haven't make the switch to compact fluorescent, please do, and think strategic about your lighting. Consider purchasing a natural Daylight Lamp, and place it in a room or locale where you spend most of your time.

If you are looking to save money for your company, consider some of these same strategies. Also, remember that computers, TV's, printers, and copy machines take inordinate amounts of power, even when not in use. Remember to hit that shut-off button before you lock your door, or better yet, unplug the power strip. You would be surprised how big a difference this can make in your energy bill.