Monday, July 13, 2009

Macro & Micro Green Solutions

I sat down this fine morning to write our blog, when all of the sudden my computer screen went black and my heart just about stopped. After getting over the initial shock, I realized that it wasn't just my computer but my entire office. The lights were off, the phones were down, and it became quickly apparent that the HVAC system was off. At that point I was pretty glad to only be on the third floor, no elevators. The power disruption got me quickly thinking though about our extreme reliance on the luxury we take for granted: electricity.

In 2000, and 2001, California experienced their "Rolling Blackouts." Since then we have seen other strains on our infrastructure with everything from steam pipes bursting in New York City to sinkholes in Seattle. You've probably also seen the recent series of IBM commercials where they talk about the waste of energy in our overall grid. It is clear we need to fix our aging country, but how do we do it in a green way?

In a macro sense, one way we can have a huge impact on the environment and the efficiency of each and every one of our homes is an upgrade to our power grid. The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability has a fantastic site with some staggering facts. In America, over 40% of our energy consumption is for the production of electricity. Of that, almost 10% of our electricity is lost in its transmission. That's nearly 400 billion kilowatt hours wasted annually (yes billion...with a very big B). Talk about a whole lot of waste without even taking into account your house's standby power requirements. The grid is one thing we can change, and is something that will have immediate and profound results.Check out the Smart Grid.

But what about the more micro approach? The You and Me solutions? Over the past several years we have had an abundance of what I call 'green consumerism' enter the marketplace. Organic food, more energy efficient light bulbs, and hybrid cars are all examples of this. Sometimes however, we forget some of the most basic ways we can 'green up.' Do you turn your computer in your office and at your home off every night? What about leaving lights off when you leave offices or rooms? Are you buying more energy efficient bulbs? Are you seriously taking steps to change your behavior and do your part? What about your company? Have you asked them to take steps? You should.

1 comment:

  1. we focus on the micro approach. We provide people and businesses with simple and highly effective European designed product solutions. Among them an innovation called the ECOMAN which reduces stand-by electricity without you having to change your habit of for example turning your TV on and off with the remote control. You'll automatically save energy and cost. Feel free to visit us as
