Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer Time & The Cooling Blues

Being a Seattle-based company, the recent heat wave has left many of us tired from sleepless nights in our 85 degree bedrooms. I know we shouldn't complain and for those of you in the South and East it may seem cool but in Seattle - 95 degree days are few and far between, and in this neck of the woods man it's HOT! So how do we deal with this? Fans and open windows only do so much. The problem is not just a summer rarity here in Seattle, even the Idaho Power Company is asking customers to conserve power at night, and that means no AC.

So how should we cool our houses when its unbearable out? Of course, windows open and efficient fans are a start, but if you must use an air conditioner, think of a smaller one to only cool your bedroom or main living space; and of course, make sure it has Energy Star ranking. Also, think about times when you run other appliances that generate heat. Does this dishwasher need to be run right after dinner? Can the dryer wait until you head to bed? Do you need that extra light on? All of these minor questions can lead to your house staying that extra degree cooler, perhaps enough to leave the AC off.

You might already follow all of these tips in your home, but what about your business? A report by the EPA estimates that the Hospitality Industry spends more than $4 Billion on energy a year. You can check out the EPA's list of the Top 20 Retailers who use Green Energy, which is over another $250 million in energy expense. Much of this is heating & cooling expense, and much of it is the heat generated by appliances, light bulbs, computers, and other electronics. What impact could reducing the heat signature of just their signage and lighting do to their HVAC bills?

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